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Determine The Right Marketing Email Sending Frequency

September 25, 2020

In the age of social media, email marketing is still effective. With the right strategy, it can build your credibility, enhance your brand awareness and loyalty, strengthen customer relationships, and boost sales.

Figuring out the right email sending frequency is crucial to your marketing efforts. Sending out too many emails can annoy your target audience and result in a high unsubscribe rate. However, infrequent emails can make your brand forgettable.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution in email marketing. You have to figure out what works best for your business.

Here are some factors to consider to find the perfect frequency for sending out marketing emails:

If you find yourself wondering how often you should email your customers and how many marketing emails you have to send every week, you must first consider your business type and what you offer.

Email marketing lets you communicate with your readers regularly. If your website is mainly used for e-commerce, taking advantage of marketing emails allow you to provide your customers with valuable content and special deals.

You can send out ongoing educational series, coupons, recipes, and other information and topics relevant to your business. Furthermore, you can head to our advertising agency in Owensboro for help when you are running out of content or topic ideas.

Your active or engaged customers are those who have taken action with your email program within 4-6 months, while your dormant customers are those who have not engaged with your program in over 12 months. This will help you determine your total list size.

Create a nurturing or win-back program to encourage your customers who aren’t necessarily active but are not dormant either to engage with your brand again. Those who are no longer interested in your content should be given the option to unsubscribe.

Sending emails to your unengaged customers too frequently can only harm your domain or IP reputation. ISPs will begin to direct your messages to the Spam folder, causing your total unique open count to drop.

Whether you prioritize winning your customers back or trying to engage the dormant ones, you can count on our marketing company in Owensboro to help you. We can convey your message, captivate your audience, and provide you with the tools you need to stay ahead of the competition.

Taking a good look at your email marketing metrics is the key to finding the perfect balance in marketing email frequency. Your engagement metrics can give you a hint.

It’s advisable to send out more marketing emails if you are sharing relevant content with increased customer engagement. However, if you begin to see a decline in your engagement metrics, then consider reducing your frequency.


Each email marketing strategy is unique for every business, and there is one that works best for your company. Remember the factors you have to consider when figuring out the right frequency for sending emails. If you need help understanding your engagement metrics or determining your total list size, feel free to reach out to a trusted marketing company like us.

Engage your target audience by working with our SEO company in Owensboro, Kentucky. We specialize in advertising, marketing, web design and development, and SEO. Contact us to learn more about how we can help you!

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